In memory of Robert Hazard, my Maternal 12th Great-Grandfather on the DECKER branch.

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Robert Hazard
Maps & Research Links:
England or Ireland
1660 or earlier
Robert Hazard was born in 1635 in England or Ireland. In 1665, he was admitted freeman of Portsmouth, Rhode Island. He owned more than a thousand acres of land. He married Mary Brownell, daughter of Thomas and Anne Brownell, who bore him eight known children. His name often appears in Colonial records up through 1698, as chosen to fill some important position. In 1658, he sold John Roome, of Portsmouth, all his interest in Conanicut and Dutch Island.” He was one of the Pettaquamscutt purchasers, buying 500 acres of land in Kingstown, Rhode Island in 1671. In 1676 he was on a committee to procure boats for the colony’s defense. He built a very large home in Kingstown sometime not long after 1687, later considered the village of Mooresfield. For many years the Hazard home was the largest in Kingstown. In 1692, he had given his son Stephen “all rights and interests in land belonging to Point Judith Neck, being ye seventh part of ye same, excepting one hundred acres and Little Neck, so called, next Boston Neck.” In 1695, Robert gave to his son, George, the larger part (380 acres) of his Pettaquamscutt purchase and that same year he gave to his son Jeremiah 200 acres of land in Tiverton. He died in 1710 at the age of 75.
Robert Hazard & Mary Brownell were the parents of my ancestor,
Thomas Hazard (1660-1746)
George Hazard (d. 1743)
Stephen Hazard (d. 1727)
Martha Hazard (d. 1753)
Mary Hazard
Robert Hazard (d. 1718)
Jeremiah Hazard (b. 1675)
Hannah Hazard
Records, photos, and memorabilia pertaining to the life of Robert Hazard:
DNA Notes:
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