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Mr. Isaac Allerton

Mr. Isaac Allerton was born in 1586 in Suffolk, England (possibly). He was approximately 34 years old when he sailed on the Mayflower.

Isaac Allerton was the head of his party of seven. They were members of the Leiden Congregation from Holland. He was a Separatist. He was a signer of the Mayflower Compact.

The Leiden Congregation

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Group's entry in Bradford's Journal

Isaac Allerton

Other people in this group: (Click one for more info)

The Voyage

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The Mayflower Compact

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Isaac married 1st to Mary Norris and 2nd to ___. Isaac was the father of 4 children.

  1. Bartholomew Allerton

  2. Remember Allerton

  3. Mary Allerton (married Cushman), died after 1690.

  4. Isaac Allerton

He died in or abt. 1659 in New Haven.

The First Winter

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Plymouth Colony

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Mr. Isaac Allerton


Isaac Allerton




Suffolk, England (possibly)


1st to Mary Norris and 2nd to ___


  1. Bartholomew Allerton

  2. Remember Allerton

  3. Mary Allerton (married Cushman), died after 1690.

  4. Isaac Allerton



New Haven

Isaac Allerton


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