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John & Elizabeth (Reynolds) Dickinson Burial

Updated: Jan 26, 2019

John Dickinson (1830-1889) and his wife, Elizabeth Reynolds (1833-1905) were both born in England and moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, bet. 1870-1880. He died from heart disease at the age of 55, and she died sixteen years later from pneumonia. She was 71. Together they rest in Allegheny Cemetery in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. For more on this family, see the Dickinson page.

Photo courtesy of Richard Boyer, contributed to here.

Announcements published in the Pittsburgh Dispatch May 26-28, 1889.

I cannot recall where this burial plot map was found, perhaps Allegheny Cemetery's website, where the image at right was found. The map offers a wealth of clues about the relatives that lived in Pittsburgh. Our ancestor, John is highlighted in yellow above his wife in this copy.

For more see the Dickinson page.



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