1800 Census Helper

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Printed forms were not provided for census takers until 1830. Therefore, the questions may vary. The standard questions asked in 1800 are shown below.
This tool will help you easily transcribe the 1800 census and view the details presented in both paragraph form and list form. It will even calculate when the members of the household were born, based on the information you enter into the spaces below.
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After you have finished entering all the numbers, click "Summarize it". Your summary and list will appear below. You can then copy and paste the results into your own research notes. Click "Clear" to erase all your entries. Note: No information is saved, stored or recorded.
Start by entering the numbers from the census, from left to right, as they appear in the entry for the household you are researching.
Use the tab button to move to the next column.
It is not necessary to enter zeros (0).
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