This tool was made to give a range of dates for when an event (such as birth or marriage) occurred, based on the age or number of years passed.
Select the date from the dropdown list...
January 1
January 2
Earliest year
Latest year
Day Selected
A person was married on March 23, 1789, at the age of 21. Calculate the birth date range down to a window of 12 months.
An ancestor was 52 when the census was taken on April 7, 1930. Calculate the birth date range.
A couple reported being married for 10 years when the census was taken on June 4, 1900. Calculate the marriage date range.
An ancestor's obituary dated Apr 18, 1864, states they were 80 years old. Calculate the birth date range.
If you're trying to determine a person's birthdate, use this tool to calculate a range for each event where their age was reported. This may help eliminate many of the dates in the range of dates initially calculated. A printable worksheet for comparing the results can be found here.
If you know the exact number of years, months and days before an event, use the Time Deductor.
To calculate the amount of time between two dates, use the Time Calculator.
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