Daniel Tourneur is listed among the "the pioneers, who first succeeded in planting the seeds of civilization and religion in Harlem". At the signing of the first patent of the Nicholls Charter, Daniel Tourneur was President of the New Harlem Court.

The second Nicholls charter was drawn on October 11, 1667, by Richard Nicholls, granting the right to call the town "New Harlem". The first patent omitted the Bronx property. The terms of the patent can be read here:

Much information about Daniel Tourneau's life in Harlem is found in "New Harlem past and present; the story of an amazing civic wrong, now at last to be righted". Click here to read it for free at Archive.org.
This map shows the location of some of Tourneur's land:

"New Harlem past and present; the story of an amazing civic wrong, now at last to be righted", by by Carl H. Pierce, W.P. Toler, and H.D. Nutting, 1903