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Early Settlers of Madison County, New York

Updated: Feb 4, 2019

The book "Our country and its people; a descriptive and biographical record of Madison County, New York", contains much information about the early settlement of Madison County, New York. From the times of Indian occupation to 1899, this book covers it all and contains maps and illustrations, too. Check the index for your family name and then locate scroll up to the page the index refers you to.

Surnames in this book:

Abbott, Abell, Abercrombie, Ackerman, Ackley, Adams, Ager, Aiken, Ainsworth, Alby, Alcott, Alderman, Aldrich, Alger, Allen, Allis, Alvord, Ambler, Amedown, Ames, Amsbry, Amsden, Anderson, Andrews, Angel, Annas, Antes, Anthony, Armour, Armstrong, Arndt, Arnold, Arnst, Arrowsmith, Atkins, Atkinson, Atwell, Atwood, Aubeuf, Audas, Austin, Avery, Ayer, Ayres, Aylesworth, Babcock, Backus, Bacon, Bailey, Baker, Balcom, Baldwin, Ballard, Ballou, Bamber, Bamford, Bancroft, Banning, Banton, Banyea, Barclay, Bardeen, Barker, Barkinson, Barlow, Barnard, Barnes, Barnett, Barott, Barr, Barrett, Barry, Bartholomew, Bartle, Barton, Bass, Bassett, Bates, Battey, Baum, Baxter, Beach, Beal, Beardsley, Beck, Beckwith, Beden, Beebe, Beebee, Beecher, Beekman, Beeman, Beers, Bell, Behr, Bellamy, Benedict, Benjamin, Bennett, Benson, Bensted, Bentley, Bemis, Bergen, Berry, Berson, Betsinger, Betts, Bicknell, Bigsby, Bill, Bills, Billings, Billington, Bingham, Birdsall, Birge, Bishop, Bitz, Bixby, Black, Blackstone, Blair, Blakeman, Blakeslee, Blanchard, Blish, Bliss, Blodgett, Blowers, Blye, Boardman, Boden, Bogardus, Bond, Bonney, Boon, Bort, Bordwell, Bostwick, Bosworth, Bouck, Bowen, Bowler, Boyer, Bradin, Bradley, Bradner, Brainard, Brand, Brasse, Breese, Brevoort, Brewer, Brewster, Bridge, Briggs, Brigham, Bright, Britt, Britton, Broad, Broadhead, Brockett, Broga, Bronson, Brooks, Brown, Brownell, Brownson, Bruce, Bruen, Bryant, Buck, Buckingham, Buell, Bugbee, Bulger, Bulkley, Bull, Bump, Bumpus, Bunker, Burchard, Burden, Burdick, Burgess, Burhans, Burke, Burn, Burnett, Burnham, Burr, Burroughs, Burton, Bush, Bushnell, Bushyte, Butler, Button, Byer, Cady, Cadwell, Cain, Calhoun, Calkins, Callanan, Calvin, Calway, Cameron, Camp, Campbell, Campton, Candee, Card, Cardner, Carey, Carl, Carlon, Carpenter, Carrier, Carrington, Carrol, Carscadden, Carter, Carver, Cary, Case, Casler, Caswell, Catlin, Cavana, Cazenove, Cazier, Chafee, Chaffee, Chamerlain, Chamerlayne, Chambers, Champlain, Chandler, Chaphe, Chapin, Chapman, Chappell, Chariton, Chase, Chasmer, Chawgo, Cheney, Cheesebro, Cheesebrough, Chesebro, Chesley, Childs, Christman, Chubbuck, Church, Clark, Clarke, Clary, Clemens, Clements, Clemons, Cleveland, Clough, Clow, Cloyes, Cobb, Cody, Coe, Colburn, Cole, Coleman, Coles, Colegrove, Coleman, Coley, Colgate, Collins, Collis, Collister, Colson, Colton, Colwell, Colyer, Coman, Comstock, Conant, Cone, Conger, Conine, Conklin, Conley, Conniff, Cook, Coolidg, Coolidge, Coon, Coons, Cooper, Copley, Cornell, Corson, Cossett, Costello, Cotes, Cotton, Couch, Covell, Cowan, Cowen, Cox, Coye, Craine, Cramer, Cramphin, Crandall, Crane, Cranson, Craw, Crawe, Craweford, Crawshaw, Crayter, Chrichton, Crispe, Crocker, Cronk, Crosby, Cross, Crouse, Crowell, Crumb, Cruttendon, Cummings, Cunningham, Curtis, Currier, Curry, Curtis, Cushing, Cushman, Cutler, Daboll, Daggett, Daharsh, Damon, Dana, Danehy, Danforth, Daniels, Dapson, Dardis, Darling, Darrow, Dart, Dascom, Dauby, Davenport, David, Davidson, Davis, Dawson, Day, Dean, Dearborn, De Clercq, Deering, De Forest, Delamater, De Laney, Delaney, De Lano, De Long, Denison, Dennie, Dennison, Derbyshier, Deuel, Devan, Devereaux, Devolant, Dewey, Dewitt, De Witt, De Wolf, Dexter, Deyo, Dick, Didama, Dietz, Dillaye, Divine, Dix, Dixon, Dodge, Donaldson, Donnelly, Doody, Doolittle, Doran, Doremus, Dorion, Dorrance, Douglass, Dow, Dowd, Downer, Downey, Downing, Drake, Draper, Drew, Driscoll, Dryer, Duffey, Duke, Dunbar, Dunham, Dunlap, Dunster, Dunton, Durfee, Durham, Durkee, Durst, Dutten, Dwinelle, Dyer, Dygert, Dykeman, Eagan, Eames, Earll, Eaton, Eddy, Edgarton, Edgerton, Edson, Edwards, Eells, Eggleston, Ehle, Eisaman, Eldred, Eldridge, Ellinwood, Elliott, Ellis, Ellsworth, Elmore, Elphick, English, Ensign, Enos, Esselstyne, Evans, Everett, Everton, Fairchild, Fancher, Farnam, Farnham, Farr, Farrell, Farwell, Faulkner, Faurot, Fay, Fearon, Fellows, Felt, Felton, Fenner, Ferguson, Ferrier, Ferry, Field, Finch, Finney, Fish, Fisk, Fiske, Fitch, Flaherty, Flower, Foord, Foot, Foote, Forbes, Ford, Forman, Forrester, Fort, Forte, Forward, Foskett, Foster, Fowler, Fox, Francis, Franklin, Frederick, Freeborn, Freeman, Freemyer, French, Frink, Frost, Fry, Fryer, Fuess, Fuller, Furman, Gage, Gale, Gardiner, Garrett, Gasten, Gary, Gaston, Gates, Gay, Gaylord, Gere, Germer, Gibbs, Gibson, Gifford, Gilbert, Giles, Gill, Gillet, Gillett, Ginney, Girvin, Gleason, Godfred, Goff, Goldstein, Goodell, Goodenough, Goodrich, Goodsell, Goodwin, Goosens, Gore, Gorton, Gostling, Gough, Gould, Graham, Granger, Grant, Graves, Gray, Green, Greene, Greenhow, Greenland, Greenly, Greenwood, Gregg, Greiner, Greminger, Gridley, Griffin, Griffith, Griffiths, Griner, Griswold, Groat, Groesbeck, Groff, Grout, Guernsey, Guest, Guiteau, Gulbran, Gullerat, Gunn, Gurley, Hackley, Hadcock, Haight, Haines, Hakes, Halbert, Hale, Hall, Halliday, Hallock, Halsey, Hamblet, Hamblin, Hamlin, Hamilton, Hammond, Hanchett, Hand, Hannum, Harbottle, Harder, Hardie, Hardin, Hardy, Hare, Harmon, Harp, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartjen, Hartshorn, Hascall, Haskell, Haskins, Haswell, Hatch, Hatfield, Hathaway, Havens, Hawkins, Hawks, Hawley, Hay, Hayden, Hayes, Hayward, Haywood, Hazard, Hazeltine, Hazelton, Hazzard, Heacock, Head, Hearsey, Hecox, Heffron, Henderson, Henry, Herrick, Hess, Hewes, Hewitt, Hickox, Hicks, Higgins, Higinbotham, Hill, Hills, Hinckley, Hinman, Hintermister, Hitchcock, Hitchman, Hoadley, Hoag, Hobbie, Hobart, Hodge, Hoffmann, Holbrook, Holden, Holdridge, Hollenbeck, Holmes, Holton, Hopcraft, Hopkins, Hoppin, Horton, Hosley, Hostler, Hotchkin, House, Hough, Hovey, Howard, Howe, Howell, Howes, Howland, Howson, Hoxie, Hoyt, Hubbard, Hudson, Hueston, Hughes, Hull, Humphrey, Hunt, Huntington, Huntley, Hurd, Hurlbut, Hutchings, Hutchins, Hutchinson, Huyck, Hyatt, Hyland, Ingalls, Ingraham, Isaacs, Isbell, Ives, Jackson, Jacobs, James, Jaqueth, Jarvis, Jenks, Jenkins, Jennings, Jepson, Jermy, Jerrold, Jessup, Jewell, Jillson, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Joslin, Joslyn, Joy, Judd, Jurden, Kaiser, Kearns, Keating, Keegan, Keeler, Keeney, Kessler, Keith, Keller, Kelley, Kellogg, Kelloway, Kelly, Kendrick, Kenfield, Kenna, Kennedy, Kenney, Kent, Kenwood, Kenyon, Kern, Kershaw, Keyes, Kibbie, Kilbourn, Kiley, Kilroy, Kimball, Kimberly, Kincaid, King, Kingsbury, Kingsley, Kinney, Kirkland, Kling, Klock, Knapp, Kneiss, Knowles, Knowlton, Knox, Krumbhaar, Ladd, Lamb, Lamphere, La Munion, Lane, Langdon, Langworthy, Lansing, Larkin, Lathrop, Lawton, Lawrence, Leach, Leavenworth, Ledyard, Lee, Leet, Leete, Leggett, Leland, Leonard, Levy, Lewis, Lighthall, Lillibridge, Lincklaen, Lindsley, Lints, Lippitt, Litchfield, Littlefield, Livermore, Livingston, Lloyd, Lochner, Lockwood, Logan, Long, Loomis, Lord, Loucks, Louder, Lounsbury, Loveland, Love, Lowd, Lowe, Lowell, Lower, Lownsberry, Loyster, Lucas, Luce, Luescher, Lull, Lum, Lumbard, Lyman, Lynch, Lynden, Lyon, Lype, McAlpin, McCabe, McCarthy, McClellan, McClanathan, McClure, McConnell, McCrellis, McCune, McDuffee, mcElwain, McFarland, McGahan, McGraith, McGregor, McGregory, McGuinness, McHenry, McLoughlin, McLean, McMahon, McMorrow, McMullen, MacConnell, Mackey, Macomber, Madison, Maginnis, Mahan, Maine, Malcolm, Mallory, Malloy, Manchester, Manley, Mann, Mannering, Mansfield, Marble, Marcellus, Marcey, Markham, Marquisee, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Martindale, Mason, Mather, Mathers, Matson, Matterson, Matthewson, Matteson, Matthews, Maybury, Maynard, Mayne, Mayo, Maxfield, Maxon, Maxson, Maxwell, Mead, Meader, Meaker, Medbury, Menzie, Merchant, Mereness, Merriam, Merrick, Merrill, Merrills, Merritts, Messenger, Messinger, Miles, Miller, Mills, Milmoe, Miner, Mitchell, Mix, Mixer, Moffett, Monroe, Montgomery, Montross, Moody, Moore, Moot, Morgan, More, Morey, Morgan, Morris, Morse, Morton, Moseley, Mosher, Moshier, Mott, Mowry, Moyer, Muir, Muller, Mulligan, Mumford, Munger, Munn, Munroe, Munson, Murphy, Murray, Murtagh, Muzzy, Myer, Myers, Myrick, Nash, Near, Needham, Neff, Neil, Nellis, Nelson, New, Newitt, Newton, Nichols, Niles, Nixdorf, North, Northrup, Norton, Nourse, Noxon, Nye, Oaks, O'Brien, Olby, Olin, Olmstead, Olney, O'Neil, Orton, Osborn, Osgood, Ostrander, Otis, Ottoway, Owen, Owens, Paddleford, Paddock, Page, Paine, Palmer, Palmiter, Palsley, Pardee, Park, Parker, Parkhurst, Parks, Parmalee, Parmelee, Parr, Parsons, Partridge, Patrick, Patten, Paterson, Pattison, Paul, Payne, Pearl, Pearlman, Pease, Peasley, Peck, Peckham, Pecksport, Peebles, Peet, Pennock, Perkins, Perry, Persons, Petrie, Pettitt, Pfaff, Pfeiffer, Phelps, Philipp, Phillips, Philpot, Phipps, Pickard, Pickens, Pierce, Pike, Pilbeam, Piotrow, Plank, Plato, Polley, Pool, Pope, Porter, Potter, Powell, Powers, Pratt, Pray, Preston, Price, Prior, Pritchard, Pryne, Pulford, Purdy, Putnam, Quackenbridge, Quackenbush, Quinn, Rabie, Rainbow, Rainey, Randell, Ramsey, Randall, Randolph, Rankin, Ranney, Ransom, Rasbach, Rathbone, Rathbun, Ratnour, Rawson, Raymond, Raynor, Rechtenwald, Reed, Reeve, Reeves, Reidy, Remick, Remore, Ressegieu, Reynolds, Rhoades, Rhodes, Rice, Rich, Richards, Richardson, Richmond, Riddell, Rider, Rightmyer, Riley, Ring, Risley, Ritter, Rivenburg, Roach, Roads, Roantree, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robie, Robinson, Rockwell, Roe, Rogers, Rollo, Root, Rose, Ross, Rouse, Rowe, Rowland, Rowlands, Royce, Ruby, Russell, Ryder, Sabin, Sabine, Sabins, Sadler, Sage, St. Clair, St. John, Salisbury, Salsbury, Saltsman, Sanders, Sanford, Sanger, Satchwell, Satterlee, Saunders, Savage, Sawdy, Sawyer, Saxe, Sayles, Schaffer, Scheifele, Schellinger, Schuyler, Scofield, Scott, Scoville, Sears, Seaver, Seeber, Seeley, Sellick, Senate, Senn, Sennet, Sergeant, Sexton, Seymour, Shaffer, Shapley, Shed, Sheffield, Sheldon, Shepard, Shepardson, Shephard, Shepherd, Sherburne, Sherman, Sherrill, Sherwood, Shields, Shipman, Shoecraft, Shumway, Shute, Sikes, Silsby, Simmons, Simonds, Simons, Sims, Sinclair, Sisson, Siver, Sizer, Skadden, Skelton, Skidmore, Skinner, Slater, Slingerland, Sloan, Sly, Slyke, Smally, Smith, Smyth, Snedeker, Snell, Snow, Snyder, Solon, Soper, Souter, Southworth, Spaulding, Spear, Spencer, Sperry, Spooner, Squyers, Stacy, Stafford, Stanbro, Stanley, Stanton, Stapleton, Stark, Starr, Stearns, Stebbins, Steere, Steers, Stephens, Sternbert, Stevens, Stevenson, Steward, Stewart, Stiles, Stillman, Stillwell, Stimson, Stisser, Stoddard, Stone, Storke, Storrs, Story, Stow, Stowell, Stower, Stradling, Stranahan, Stratton, Streeter, Striker, Stringer, Strong, Stroud, Suiter, Suits, Sumner, Sunderlin, Sutcliffe, Sutherland, Sutton, Swain, Swan, Swayze, Sweet, Sweetland, Swift, Swinny, Switzer, Taber, Tabor, Tackabury, Taft, Tallett, Tanner, Tappen, Taylor, Tayntor, Teale, Teller, Temple, Ten Eyck, Tenney, Terry, Thayer, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thorn, Thorpe, Throop, Thurston, Tibbits, Tibbitts, Tifft, Tillinghast, Tillotson, Timmerman, Todd, Tompkins, Tondeur, Tooke, Topliff, Torpy, Torrey, Townsend, Tracy, Travis, Treat, Trevor, Tripp, Troup, Trowbridge, Trueax, Truesdell, Trumbull, Truman, Tucker, Tuckerman, Tully, Tupper, Turnbull, Turner, Tuthill, Tuttle, Twist, Twogood, Tyler, Tylesworth, Ufford, Underdown, Underhill, Underwood, Upson, Van Allen, Van Brocklin, Vane, Van Epps, Van Evra, Vander Hess, Van Hooser, Van Horn, Van Horne, Van Loon, Van Rensselaer, Van Riper, Van Sice, Van Slyck, Van Slycke, Van Slyke, Vanvalen, Van Vaulkenburgh, Van Vleck, Van Wagner, Vedder, Veling, Vollmer, Vrooman, Wade, Wadsworth, Wager, Wagoner, Waite, Walden, Waldron, Walker, Wallace, Walrath, Warcup, Warner, Warr, Warren, Warrick, Washburn, Waterman, Waters, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Way, Wear, Weaver, Webb, Webber, Webster, Wedge, Weed, Welch, Wellington, Wells, Welton, Wendell, Wentz, Wermuth, West, Westcott, Whedon, Wheeler, Whipple, Whitcomb, White, Whitford, Whitman, Whitmore, Whitnall, Whitney, Wibert, Wickwire, Wiggins, Wightman, Wilber, Wilbur, Wilbor, Wilcox, Wilcoxen, Wiley, Wilkin, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Wills, Wilson, Wiltse, Wimmet, Winchell, Winchester, Wing, Wingman, Witherell, Witherhead, Witter, Wolf, Wood, Woodbury, Woodcock, Woodford, Woodruff, Woods, Woodward, Woodworth, Woolaver, Wooley, Woolver, Worden, Worlock, Wright, Wylie, Yates, Yaw, York, Young, Youngs, Zimmer

These names are from the index, biographical, and personal references in the back of the book.

Note: The page numbers restart in the section "Personal references".


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