An old book with a very long title caught my attention recently while searching for clues about my Burrill family. The book is called "Some descendants of Stephen Lincoln of Wymondham, England, Edward Larkin from England, Thomas Oliver of Bristol, England, Michael Pearce of London, England, Robert Wheaton of Swansea, Wales, George Burrill, of Boston, England, John Porter of Dorset, England, John Ayer of Norwich, England and notes of related families", by William Ensign Lincoln.
You can find the book on FamilySearch or HeritageQuest and read it for free (click here for links), or if you're interested in the Burrill family, you'll find the pages in below. I have extracted the section pertaining to the Burrill family (three pages plus the title page), and saved them in a separate PDF document for future reference or for any of his descendants who may not have discovered this resource yet. Feel free to print or save it. Additional information about this family can also be found in one of my previous blogs (click here).
At this time, it is unknown which Burrill line my ancestor, Sophronia Burrill, descends from.