My most recent Underhill ancestor was Hannah "Saloma" Underhill. According to Underhill Genealogy, her father was John Underhill, son of Israel. John's name was not given in Israel's biography, which was printed in Vol. 5, p. 115-116, but he must have been one of the two children who's names were not known, under A or B, "Probable son, unidentified". He was later identified in Vol. 6, on p. 1539, as follows:

This entry is what helped me connect Hannah Saloma Underhill to the line of Capt. John Underhill. While the birth date given is a broad estimate and death date is "before 1900", the "m(arried) before 1850 Raymond Mayo" part is what proves this is the correct person. Click here to learn more about Hannah Saloma Underhill and her family.
This map shows the places John Underhill was found on the census:
1820 Plattekill, Ulster County, New York
1830 Lisle, Broome County, New York
1835 Chenango, Broome County, New York
1840 Dimock, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania
1850 Harmony, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania

Underhill Genealogy, Underhill Society of America, Vol. 5, p. 115-116.
Underhill Genealogy, Underhill Society of America, Vol. 6, p. 1539.
Google Maps
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#underhill #mayo #johnunderhill #newyork #broomecounty #susquehannacounty #pennsylvania #ulstercounty #lifemap #hannahsalomaunderhill #raymondmayo