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Ipswich, Massachusetts Biographies

Updated: Feb 4, 2019

So much history is kept in archaic books such as this one:

Early inhabitants of Ipswich, Mass. 1633-1700, by Hammatt, Abraham, 1780?-1854

This is a valuable resource for finding information about early Ipswich, though finding the complete work online has proven to be a challenge. Names listed below are found in this volume (No. 1-3), letters A through H. For other names, you might find them in the book available on Amazon.

Nehemiah Abbott

Robert Addams

Robert Andrews

John Annable

John Anderson

John Ayres

Thomas Attwood

Avery Averye

Ardway (Ordway)

Henry Archer

Edward Allin

Samuel Appleton

John Baker

William Bartholomew

Henry Bachellor (or Bachelder)

Jeremy Belcher

Robert Bearchamp

Henry Bennett

John Biggs

Thomas Bishop

Richard Betygood

Widow Bird

Christopher Bidlake

Thomas Boreman (or Bourman, Boarman, Bordman)

Daniel Bosworth

Caleb Boynton

Simon Bradstreet

Rev. Thomas Bracy

Joseph Biggsby

Richard Betts

Richard Brabrook

Edmund Bragg (or Edward)

Giles Birdley (or Burley)

Edmund Bridges

Richard Bryer

Doctor Bridgham

Edward Brown

Thomas Brewer

Samuel Bully

Mathis Button

William Butler

John Burnham

Christopher Bowles

William Buckley

Jonathan Bladgett

John Britton

Goodman Bugg

John Barry

Capt. Isaac Von Bebber

William Brackenbury

Richard Bisgood

John Bur

John Caldwell

Mistress Cartwright

Joseph Calef

Philip Call

George Carr

Samuel Cass

William Cressy

John Catcham

Edward Chapman

Aquilla Chase

Philip Challis

Lionel Chute

Ezekiel Cheever

Thomas Cobbett

John Cogswell

Robert Coles

Thomas Clarke

John Cowley

Jacob Clinton

Robert Conway

Robert Coborne

Robert Collins

Michael Crely (or Mighill Crossie)

James Colman

Giles Cowes

John Covington


Roger Chesson

John Cutting

Francis Crompton

Robert Crosse

Isaac Cummings

Henry Curtiss

Robert Crane

John Dane (or Dean)

Roger Darbye

Addington Davenport

John Davis (or Jacob)

George Davison

Daniel Denison

Thomas Dennis

Edmund Dear

Ralf Dix

Andrew Diamond

Nathaniel Dike

John Dillingham

Samuel Dodge

Thomas Dorman

Thomas Dow

William Douglas

William Dunton (or Downton)

Thomas Dudley

Robert Dutch

John Durgy

Richard Dummer

William Dwight

John Dyar

William Dirkey

John Downing

Nathaniel Emerson

Thomas Emerson

Nathaniel Elingthorp (or Elethorop)

Nicholas Easton

Capt. Daniel Epes

Joseph Eveleph

Philip Evans

John Edwards

Joseph Easy

Michael Farley

John Fawns

Thomas Fancy

WIlliam Fellows

George Farrow

Giles Firmin

Robert Fitt

Joseph Fisk

Walter Fairfield

Reginald Foster

Thomas Fossy

John Frink

Philip Fowler

Robert Filbrick

William Franklin

Thomas French

William Fuller

Humphrey Gilbert

Edward Gilman

George Giddings

John Gaines

Henry Gould

David Goodenough

John Gage

Bartholomew Gedney

Zacerias Glazier

Lancelot Granger

Edmund Gardner

William Goodhue

John Grove

Humphrey Griffin

Henry Green

William Gutterson

James Gregory

Robert Grant

Richard Goss

John Gamage

Samuel Graves

Elizabeth Harris

John Harris

Jacob Harris

Richard Haffield

George Hadley

Thomas Hardye

John Hassell

Robert Hayes

William Hayward

John Hanchet

Samuel Hall

Thomas Hart

Samuel Heifer

Andrew Hodges

Barnabas Horton

Henry Hill

William Holdred

James How

Joseph Hodgkins

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