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Josiah Reese (1832-1911) Muster Rolls

Updated: Jan 26, 2019

Josiah served under Capt. Matthew Moore* of Company D, Two-Hundred Third Pennsylvania Volunteers during the Civil War. An excerpt from "The Rebellion Record", Volume 11, p. 432 states that "Colonel J.W. Moore, Two hundred and Third Pennsylvania volunteers bechave with the most distinguished gallantry. He was killed while passing the second traverse of the fort in advance of his rgiment, waving his colors. Few equalled, none surpassed this brave officer.

Josiah is listed on page 589 of Volume 3 of "History of Pennsylvania Volunteers", which states that he enlisted on Sept. 9, 1864 and was "Mustered out with company, June 22, 1865". As a point of interest, one soldier's pay stub shows he received $13 per month for his service. Josiah served for ten months.

For more information about Josiah's family, see the Reese page.


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