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Mother May Go Insane

Updated: Feb 2, 2019

A tragic 1909 story and reminder of how quickly life can change:

Mother May Go Insane.

Saw her three children meet violent deaths in one day.

"Cheyenne, Wyo., Oct. 26. - Threatened with loss of reason after seeing her three small children meet violent deaths in one day, Mrs. Lena Henderson of Sun Dance is under continual care of physicians. Sunday while Mrs. Henderson was in the yard with the baby, she heard the two elder children scream and rushing into the house, found that both had been bitten by a huge rattlesnake. While caring for them she heard a faint cry from the baby. Answering this she saw the little tot fall into a well and drown before it could be rescued. Returning home she found the two older children in the throes of death from the effects of the reptile's poison."


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