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Trip to England 1937 (autographs)

Updated: Jul 31, 2022

Rose Dickinson, took a trip to England in 1937, to visit her cousins in Dewsbury. Rose's autograph book was preserved and shared by her niece, Margaret (Lindsey) Quick. Originally, we had assumed these people were related on the Dickinson side, but that's just an example of how tricky genealogy can be.


  • G.H. Hill and Caroline Hill, 2 Moorland Avenue, Dewsbury.

  • Pleasant voyage and happy landing. Mary A. Dickinson (Molly), Greylyn, Dewsbury.

  • E.C. Luzney, New Zealand, 29/8/37

  • Annie Croft, Here's to the Next time. Dewsbury 1937. Woodside, Northfield Place, Dewsbury.

  • W.H. Croft "Billy" We have sure had a real time.

  • W. J. Dickinson "John"

  • All the best from Margaret Chadwick.

  • Love and Sweet Remembrance, Nellie Firth.

  • Anne Fozzard, 39 Shepley St., East Moor Estate, Wakefield, Yorkshire, Eng.

  • Think of me when you are lonely. Think of me when you are not. In the depths of your affection, think of me. Forget me not. Herbert Firth. 8 Park Croft, Boothroyd, Dewsbury, Yorkshire.

  • May your days never be less happy than those you have spent in Dewsbury! Nellie Dickinson, Greylyn, Brunswick Street, Dewsbury.

Update: July 30, 2022

The ship manifest shows that Rose traveled with her best friend, Gertrude Hill. I remember cousin Marge Quick (who, sadly passed away recently) telling me that Rose and Gertrude lived together later in life, but she was under the impression they were friends and not related. It is interesting, though, that her name was Gertrude Hill, and during this trip, Rose and Gertrude visited with George ("G.H.") & Caroline Hill, which we know from Rose's autograph book shown above. One would think these were Gertrude's family, but as far as I know, George & Caroline had only one child, a daughter named Annie (Hill) Croft, as far as I know.

Rose Dickinson & Gertrude Hill

Caroline Hill was a was a daughter of William Reynolds - brother of Elizabeth (Reynolds) Dickinson. Caroline and Rose Dickinson's father, Harry Dickinson, were first cousins. Therefore, Rose and Caroline were first cousins 1x removed. Rose and Caroline's daughter, Annie (Hill) Croft were 2nd Cousins. (I created the Relationship Calculator Form to help with this, because sometimes it gets confusing!)

Another recent discovery was that "Molly" Mary A. Dickinson, who also signed Rose's autograph book, was Caroline and Elizabeth's sister, Mary Ann (Reynolds) Dickinson. She married a man named William Dickinson, who was born abt. 1852, a son of John Abraham Dickinson, born abt. 1825. John was a son of Thomas Dickinson, born 1783.

Also, one of the autographs was by Herbert Firth. A search of marriages in the area during that time period revealed that Herbert Firth married a woman by the name of Ellen Dickinson in 1917. (Vol. 9B p101). I believe Ellen was a daughter of William & Mary Ann (Reynolds) Dickinson. I haven't made the connection between these Dickinsons and Elizabeth's husband, John Dickinson's family yet. If anyone knows, please contact me or comment below.

Descendants of Thomas Reynolds

If you haven't seen the old films from this or other trips, you can see them here.

For more about the Dickinsons see the Dickinson page.


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