Many times, you can find good information about your ancestors in other peoples' family history books. For example, in "Johnson, Stedman, and Allied Families", on page 46, I found information about my ancestor, William Wadsworth, offering a wide variety of clues and information about his life and identity.
My maternal great-grandmother, Mary E. (Harvey) Reese, was the 7th great-granddaughter of William Wadsworth, through her mother's ancestry. (Mary E. Harvey, the daughter of Newman Harvey and Gertrude E. Shirley, who was the daughter of John Shirley and Esther A. Ensign, who was the daughter of Royal Ensign, who was the son of Datus Ensign, who was the son of Datus Ensign, who was the son of David Ensign, who was the son of David Ensign and Sarah Wilcox, who was the daughter of John Wilcox and Sarah Wadsworth, the daughter of William Wadsworth).
According to this source, William Wadsworth sailed from London on June 22, 1632, on the ship "Lion", arriving in Boston almost three months later, on September 16th. He settled first in Cambridge, Massachusetts, but in June 1636, he removed with Thomas Hooker's company to Hartford, Connecticut, where he served as a selectman, commissioner, and other positions of public service. Click here to see continue reading the book at